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What is it?

A life sim where you play as a seamstress in 1950's France. Advance your career, decorate your flat, learn how to cook classic French dishes, romance Frenchpeople of various genders, and of course, put together a killer wardrobe!

Reason that it's "unfinishable"

Honestly I don't even know how the core game mechanic would work on a "seamstress simulator"? Also I've never made a videogame in my life.

How far I got

Character designs for romancable NPCs, tons of research into French couture of the period 1948-1954 and French bourgeoise cuisine of the same era. Also gathered some resources on interior design.

What would it take to finish it?

An independently wealthy Francophile who is passionate about this project, and has the skill/connections to realize it. Or, I guess, a game studio who like the idea.