BJD Profiles
Name: Charlie Achternaam
Sculpt: Unoa Lusis 1.5 (fresh skin)
Birthday: February 2024
Era: 1948-1954 (approx.)
Backstory: She studied in France, but now lives on the Upper West Side in New York, and works as an archivist.
Or: she worked as an archivist, but now works as a model in Paris, a job she took specifically so she could study the medieval manuscripts at the National Library...
Favorite movies: La Belle et la BĂȘte, Roman Holiday, Cover Girl
Favorite albums: Chet Baker Sings, Julie Is Her Name, Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Irving Berlin Songbook
Has subscriptions to: Harper's Bazaar, L'Officiel, Elle
Favorite foods: croissants, quiche, religieuses
Hobbies: reading in the park, visiting the Met, going dancing